There is a Christmas tree in our home that we lovingly refer to as our “Genealogy Tree.” It’s filled with pictures of parents, grandparents- ancestors. I love looking at the pictures every year and reminding myself of the stories and legacy of each. We add a few pictures every year.
It was tradition (for both mine and hubbys) parents and grandparents to give us a special ornament every year. Many of those are on this tree. The picture is one I received from my Grandma when I was 6 years old….I remember hunting for this particular ornament every year thereafter.
This tradition is one we have continued in our family. Collecting ornaments to remind us of trips or family adventures throughout the year. Each of our children also receives an ornament from hubby and I (typically a reminder of something accomplished that year, or special milestone). Grandparents send ornaments to each AND they exchange ornaments with cousins on both sides of the family. One of our other trees, our family tree, is now FULL of these ornaments….20 years and 5 children worth. The idea being that as each child moves away, gets married, etc., they take their ornaments with them to start their own ornament tradition.
It’s amazing to me, how a simple ornament can be such a memory maker. Memories of special people, fun times, places visited, things accomplished, milestones reached.
The beauty of it all comes together as we decorate the family tree, every year. As ornaments are hung, stories are shared, grandparents and cousins talked about, and special times remembered.
These moments are anticipated every holiday season. They are positive and binding.
If you are wanting to start a new family tradition, this is an easy one with a powerful impact….perhaps for generations, as ours has become.
Pictures: our family 2021 ornament, an Idaho mountain biking ornament for Jordyns first time mountain biking IN the mountains, a Color Guard ornament for Morgan making the Color Guard Squad this year, a wood “Idaho“ ornament made from the tree that fell at the Idaho Heritage family home, a Sister missionary ornament for our Regen serving in the Georgia Atlanta North mission, and two Orlando Temple ornaments for Ashtynn and Ian because they were each sealed to us this year in that temple.
You can see more pictures of this tree at @AlisaAdamsStyle
