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Summer Bucket List


I’ll admit- I love making lists. I feel more organized and accomplished when I can cross things off as I complete them. Daily to-do lists, home project lists, and right now, packing lists for the car, and for suitcases.

Why should a Summer Bucket list be any different? We gathered together, as a family, for our monthly family council, and came up with this summers bucket list. Many of the items include things we can do while on our family vacation; individually, as a family, and with cousins.

This list will ensure we make the most out of our summer vacation. It will keep us motivated and hopefully prevent the “what should we do next?” questions.

It is also a great way to track memories…I’ve saved our lists from years past.

So what are you waiting for? Have you started your list yet?

Comment and share one of the things you are most excited about on your Summer Bucket list!

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